What is a Zine????

A zine (pronounced ZEEN) is a DIY (do-it-yourself) publication that can be anything you are interested in, there are no rules here! Making a zine is all about self-expression and creativity. Zines come in a variety of themes like personal zines, art zines, poetry zines, political zines, academic zines, punk zines, feminist and social activism zines……THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS:-) Traditionally, zines are made with paper, writing tools, and any other crafts supplies and can easily be reproduced with a photocopier. This site explores three types of electronic zines. Electronic Zines can be made up of: 1-Paper Zines that are digitized. 2-Digital Zines created on a flipbook website or PowerPoint. 3-Mixed Zines which are zines created using a graphic design platform and template (I like using Canva) and then printed on paper.